Friday, June 13, 2008

Tyler's 911 call and 1st Ambulance Ride

As you can see we had quite the scare yesterday. It was just after 7pm, and I was sitting on the patio watching the boys play. Tyler was up walking on the ledge on our patio and he fell off landing straight on his head. I screamed and then ran and picked him up and noticed the deep gash in his head. I knew it was going to get real bad since with head injuries you have a lot of blood. I grabbed the phone and called 911 to get an ambulance out, and there was blood everywhere, it was just running out all over him and me. Carter got our next door neighbor Keith who is a police officer and he helped me get him laying on his side and what to do. I didn't realize that we have a 10 minute response time. They made it in about 7 min. That was scary. The paramedics and fire dept got his carseat out of the van and they strapped that to the gurney and then took us to the closest hospital. Good old Hemet Valley Medical Center. It was busy there, and I kid you not, they took him off the gurney in his carseat and placed him on a chair in the GENERAL WAITING ROOM where we stayed for almost 3 hours. Unbelieveable. That's a story in itself. He got 4 staples in his head and he has been a real trooper. He's home with us now taking it easy.


Megan Dougherty said...

I am sitting here with my mouth wide open about the 3 hour wait in the ER. I can't believe that they would do that. That is so crazy! I am glad that everything is okay. This is why I am glad that I have two girls. I don't know if I could handle boys.

Nicole said...

I can't believe you had to wait 3 hrs (especially after an ambulance ride) in the general waiting room. I totally understand though, remember when Owen hit his head on Mike's brick fireplace and we waited over over 4 hrs with Owen in the exact same waiting room. I think it's the worse hospital in California. I'm sure you would totally agree.

Jon and Cheryl said...

Ouch!! Gotta love congested California and our long ER waits! I promise if it had been 7am you wouldn't have waited as long. Afternoon and night is the worst time to hit the ER. Unless you are having chest pain or trouble breathing you have to wait. Good job Tyler (and Melanie!) on surviving this whole incident! Just lets me know all the great things I have to look forward to!

Nicole said...

Did you tell the nurses of Brian's nickname and how Tyler looks SO much like Brian?

Erin said...

Oh my GOODNESS!!! James is totally accident prone and I've just been waiting for one of our kids to end up the same way. Tyler definitely must be a trooper. I love the little grin on his face.

The ShuFamily said...

poor baby! add another horror story to the hemet hospital! glad he is okay now... the pics of him smiling all bandaged up made get teary, kids are such troopers!

Megan Dougherty said...

You've been tagged. Check out my blog for more info.

Christina Hamilton said...

That made me teary-eyed! How sad... What a trooper! Don't ya LOVE Hemet?????